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insolence of their manner towards herself. That the first symptom
was very likely to lead to the aggravation of the second, it needed
no great penetration to foresee. And here Mr Ralph Nickleby had
reckoned without his host; for however fresh from the country a
young lady (by nature) may be, and however unacquainted with
conventional behaviour, the chances are, that she will have quite
as strong an innate sense of the decencies and proprieties of life as
if she had run the gauntlet of a dozen London seasons--possibly a
stronger one, for such senses have been known to blunt in this
improving process.

When Ralph had completed the ceremonial of introduction, he
led his blushing niece to a seat. As he did so, he glanced warily
round as though to assure himself of the impression which her
unlooked-for appearance had created.

‘An unexpected playsure, Nickleby,’ said Lord Frederick
Verisopht, taking his glass out of his right eye, where it had, until
now, done duty on Kate, and fixing it in his left, to bring it to bear
on Ralph.

‘Designed to surprise you, Lord Frederick,’ said Mr Pluck.
‘Not a bad idea,’ said his lordship, ‘and one that would almost
warrant the addition of an extra two and a half per cent.’

‘Nickleby,’ said Sir Mulberry Hawk, in a thick coarse voice,
‘take the hint, and tack it on the other five-and-twenty, or
whatever it is, and give me half for the advice.’

Sir Mulberry garnished this speech with a hoarse laugh, and
terminated it with a pleasant oath regarding Mr Nickleby’s limbs,
whereat Messrs Pyke and Pluck laughed consumedly.

These gentlemen had not yet quite recovered the jest, when
dinner was announced, and then they were thrown into fresh

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