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make himself acquainted, from day to day, with newspaper
paragraphs on passing events; such as “Mysterious disappearance,
and supposed suicide of a potboy,” or anything of that sort, upon
which I might found a question to the Secretary of State for the
Home Department. Then, he would have to copy the question, and
as much as I remembered of the answer (including a little
compliment about independence and good sense); and to send the
manuscript in a frank to the local paper, with perhaps half-a-
dozen lines of leader, to the effect, that I was always to be found in
my place in parliament, and never shrunk from the responsible
and arduous duties, and so forth. You see?’

Nicholas bowed.
‘Besides which,’ continued Mr Gregsbury, ‘I should expect him,
now and then, to go through a few figures in the printed tables,
and to pick out a few results, so that I might come out pretty well
on timber duty questions, and finance questions, and so on; and I
should like him to get up a few little arguments about the
disastrous effects of a return to cash payments and a metallic
currency, with a touch now and then about the exportation of
bullion, and the Emperor of Russia, and bank notes, and all that
kind of thing, which it’s only necessary to talk fluently about,
because nobody understands it. Do you take me?’

‘I think I understand,’ said Nicholas.
‘With regard to such questions as are not political,’ continued
Mr Gregsbury, warming; ‘and which one can’t be expected to care
a curse about, beyond the natural care of not allowing inferior
people to be as well off as ourselves--else where are our
privileges?--I should wish my secretary to get together a few little
flourishing speeches, of a patriotic cast. For instance, if any

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