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back-parlour sat with her mouth wide open, staring vacantly at the
collector, in a stupor of dismay; the other guests were scarcely less
overpowered by the great man’s irritation. Mr Kenwigs, not being
skilful in such matters, only fanned the flame in attempting to
extinguish it.

‘I didn’t think of it, I am sure, sir,’ said that gentleman. ‘I didn’t
suppose that such a little thing as a glass of punch would have put
you out of temper.’

‘Out of temper! What the devil do you mean by that piece of
impertinence, Mr Kenwigs?’ said the collector. ‘Morleena, child--
give me my hat.’

‘Oh, you’re not going, Mr Lillyvick, sir,’ interposed Miss
Petowker, with her most bewitching smile.

But still Mr Lillyvick, regardless of the siren, cried obdurately,
‘Morleena, my hat!’ upon the fourth repetition of which demand,
Mrs Kenwigs sunk back in her chair, with a cry that might have
softened a water-butt, not to say a water-collector; while the four
little girls (privately instructed to that effect) clasped their uncle’s
drab shorts in their arms, and prayed him, in imperfect English, to

‘Why should I stop here, my dears?’ said Mr Lillyvick; ‘I’m not
wanted here.’

‘Oh, do not speak so cruelly, uncle,’ sobbed Mrs Kenwigs,
’unless you wish to kill me.’

‘I shouldn’t wonder if some people were to say I did,’ replied Mr
Lillyvick, glancing angrily at Kenwigs. ‘Out of temper!’

‘Oh! I cannot bear to see him look so, at my husband,’ cried Mrs
Kenwigs. ‘It’s so dreadful in families. Oh!’

‘Mr Lillyvick,’ said Kenwigs, ‘I hope, for the sake of your niece,

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