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which he was wholly ignorant. There was little, perhaps, to choose
between this fate and a return to the tender mercies of the
Yorkshire school; but the unhappy being had established a hold
upon his sympathy and compassion, which made his heart ache at
the prospect of the suffering he was destined to undergo. He
lingered on, in restless anxiety, picturing a thousand possibilities,
until the evening of next day, when Squeers returned, alone, and

‘No news of the scamp!’ said the schoolmaster, who had
evidently been stretching his legs, on the old principle, not a few
times during the journey. ‘I’ll have consolation for this out of
somebody, Nickleby, if Mrs Squeers don’t hunt him down; so I
give you warning.’

‘It is not in my power to console you, sir,’ said Nicholas. ‘It is
nothing to me.’

‘Isn’t it?’ said Squeers in a threatening manner. ‘We shall see!’
‘We shall,’ rejoined Nicholas.

‘Here’s the pony run right off his legs, and me obliged to come
home with a hack cob, that’ll cost fifteen shillings besides other
expenses,’ said Squeers; ‘who’s to pay for that, do you hear?’

Nicholas shrugged his shoulders and remained silent.
‘I’ll have it out of somebody, I tell you,’ said Squeers, his usual
harsh crafty manner changed to open bullying ‘None of your
whining vapourings here, Mr Puppy, but be off to your kennel, for
it’s past your bedtime! Come! Get out!’

Nicholas bit his lip and knit his hands involuntarily, for his
finger-ends tingled to avenge the insult; but remembering that the
man was drunk, and that it could come to little but a noisy brawl,
he contented himself with darting a contemptuous look at the

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