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of surprise and consternation, and assured her friend that she ‘felt
fit to drop into the earth.’

‘Shall we turn back, or run into a cottage?’ asked Miss Price.
‘He don’t see us yet.’

‘No, ’Tilda,’ replied Miss Squeers, ‘it is my duty to go through
with it, and I will!’

As Miss Squeers said this, in the tone of one who has made a
high moral resolution, and was, besides, taken with one or two
chokes and catchings of breath, indicative of feelings at a high
pressure, her friend made no further remark, and they bore
straight down upon Nicholas, who, walking with his eyes bent
upon the ground, was not aware of their approach until they were
close upon him; otherwise, he might, perhaps, have taken shelter

‘Good-morning,’ said Nicholas, bowing and passing by.
‘He is going,’ murmured Miss Squeers. ‘I shall choke, ’Tilda.’
‘Come back, Mr Nickleby, do!’ cried Miss Price, affecting alarm
at her friend’s threat, but really actuated by a malicious wish to
hear what Nicholas would say; ‘come back, Mr Nickleby!’

Mr Nickleby came back, and looked as confused as might be, as
he inquired whether the ladies had any commands for him.

‘Don’t stop to talk,’ urged Miss Price, hastily; ‘but support her
on the other side. How do you feel now, dear?’

‘Better,’ sighed Miss Squeers, laying a beaver bonnet of a
reddish brown with a green veil attached, on Mr Nickleby’s
shoulder. ‘This foolish faintness!’

‘Don’t call it foolish, dear,’ said Miss Price: her bright eye
dancing with merriment as she saw the perplexity of Nicholas;
‘you have no reason to be ashamed of it. It’s those who are too

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