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Upon these instructions Nicholas made the pen; when he gave
it to Miss Squeers, Miss Squeers dropped it; and when he stooped
to pick it up, Miss Squeers stopped also, and they knocked their
heads together; whereat five-and-twenty little boys laughed aloud:
being positively for the first and only time that half-year.

‘Very awkward of me,’ said Nicholas, opening the door for the
young lady’s retreat.

‘Not at all, sir,’ replied Miss Squeers; ‘it was my fault. It was all
my foolish--a--a--good-morning!’

‘Goodbye,’ said Nicholas. ‘The next I make for you, I hope will
be made less clumsily. Take care! You are biting the nib off now.’

‘Really,’ said Miss Squeers; ‘so embarrassing that I scarcely
know what I--very sorry to give you so much trouble.’

‘Not the least trouble in the world,’ replied Nicholas, closing the
schoolroom door.

‘I never saw such legs in the whole course of my life!’ said Miss
Squeers, as she walked away.

In fact, Miss Squeers was in love with Nicholas Nickleby.
To account for the rapidity with which this young lady had
conceived a passion for Nicholas, it may be necessary to state, that
the friend from whom she had so recently returned, was a miller’s
daughter of only eighteen, who had contracted herself unto the
son of a small corn-factor, resident in the nearest market town.
Miss Squeers and the miller’s daughter, being fast friends, had
covenanted together some two years before, according to a custom
prevalent among young ladies, that whoever was first engaged to
be married, should straightway confide the mighty secret to the
bosom of the other, before communicating it to any living soul,
and bespeak her as bridesmaid without loss of time; in fulfilment

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