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might think of him by this time.

‘That’s the way we do it, Nickleby,’ he said, after a pause.
Nicholas shrugged his shoulders in a manner that was scarcely
perceptible, and said he saw it was.

‘And a very good way it is, too,’ said Squeers. ‘Now, just take
them fourteen little boys and hear them some reading, because,
you know, you must begin to be useful. Idling about here won’t

Mr Squeers said this, as if it had suddenly occurred to him,
either that he must not say too much to his assistant, or that his
assistant did not say enough to him in praise of the establishment.
The children were arranged in a semicircle round the new master,
and he was soon listening to their dull, drawling, hesitating recital
of those stories of engrossing interest which are to be found in the
more antiquated spelling-books.

In this exciting occupation, the morning lagged heavily on. At
one o’clock, the boys, having previously had their appetites
thoroughly taken away by stir-about and potatoes, sat down in the
kitchen to some hard salt beef, of which Nicholas was graciously
permitted to take his portion to his own solitary desk, to eat it
there in peace. After this, there was another hour of crouching in
the schoolroom and shivering with cold, and then school began

It was Mr Squeer’s custom to call the boys together, and make a
sort of report, after every half-yearly visit to the metropolis,
regarding the relations and friends he had seen, the news he had
heard, the letters he had brought down, the bills which had been
paid, the accounts which had been left unpaid, and so forth. This
solemn proceeding always took place in the afternoon of the day

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