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1154 ‘Tell’ee wa’at though,’ said John seriously, when a great deal had been said on both sides, ‘to return to schoolmeasther. If this news aboot ’un has reached school today, the old ‘ooman wean’t have a whole boan in her boddy, nor Fanny neither.’ ‘Oh, John!’ cried Mrs Browdie. ‘Ah! and Oh, John agean,’ replied the Yorkshireman. ‘I dinnot know what they lads mightn’t do. When it first got aboot that schoolmeasther was in trouble, some feythers and moothers sent and took their young chaps awa’. If them as is left, should know waat’s coom tiv’un, there’ll be sike a revolution and rebel!--Ding! But I think they’ll a’ gang daft, and spill bluid like wather!’ In fact, John Browdie’s apprehensions were so strong that he determined to ride over to the school without delay, and invited Nicholas to accompany him, which, however, he declined, pleading that his presence might perhaps aggravate the bitterness of their adversity. ‘Thot’s true!’ said John; ‘I should ne’er ha’ thought o’ thot.’ ‘I must return tomorrow,’ said Nicholas, ‘but I mean to dine with you today, and if Mrs Browdie can give me a bed--’ ‘Bed!’ cried John, ‘I wish thou couldst sleep in fower beds at once. Ecod, thou shouldst have ’em a’. Bide till I coom back; on’y bide till I coom back, and ecod we’ll make a day of it.’ Giving his wife a hearty kiss, and Nicholas a no less hearty shake of the hand, John mounted his horse and rode off: leaving Mrs Browdie to apply herself to hospitable preparations, and his young friend to stroll about the neighbourhood, and revisit spots which were rendered familiar to him by many a miserable association. John cantered away, and arriving at Dotheboys Hall, tied his |