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don’t know what you weren’t to have told them before you came
out with the truth.’

‘Now, did you ever know such a villain as this, Ned?’ said the
old gentleman; ‘did you ever know such a villain as Tim
Linkinwater? He accusing me of being impatient, and he the very
man who has been wearying us morning, noon, and night, and
torturing us for leave to go and tell ’em what was in store, before
our plans were half complete, or we had arranged a single thing. A
treacherous dog!’

‘So he is, brother Charles,’ returned Ned; ‘Tim is a treacherous
dog. Tim is not to be trusted. Tim is a wild young fellow. He wants
gravity and steadiness; he must sow his wild oats, and then
perhaps he’ll become in time a respectable member of society.’

This being one of the standing jokes between the old fellows
and Tim, they all three laughed very heartily, and might have
laughed much longer, but that the brothers, seeing that Mrs
Nickleby was labouring to express her feelings, and was really
overwhelmed by the happiness of the time, took her between
them, and led her from the room under pretence of having to
consult her on some most important arrangements.

Now, Tim and Miss La Creevy had met very often, and had
always been very chatty and pleasant together--had always been
great friends--and consequently it was the most natural thing in
the world that Tim, finding that she still sobbed, should endeavour
to console her. As Miss La Creevy sat on a large old-fashioned
window-seat, where there was ample room for two, it was also
natural that Tim should sit down beside her; and as to Tim’s being
unusually spruce and particular in his attire that day, why it was a
high festival and a great occasion, and that was the most natural

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