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perfect right to do so. We never see ourselves--never do, and
never did--and I suppose we never shall.’

This moral reflection reminding her of the necessity of being
peculiarly smart on the occasion, so as to counterbalance Miss La
Creevy, and be herself an effectual set-off and atonement, led Mrs
Nickleby into a consultation with her daughter relative to certain
ribbons, gloves, and trimmings: which, being a complicated
question, and one of paramount importance, soon routed the
previous one, and put it to flight.

The great day arriving, the good lady put herself under Kate’s
hands an hour or so after breakfast, and, dressing by easy stages,
completed her toilette in sufficient time to allow of her daughter’s
making hers, which was very simple, and not very long, though so
satisfactory that she had never appeared more charming or looked
more lovely. Miss La Creevy, too, arrived with two bandboxes
(whereof the bottoms fell out as they were handed from the coach)
and something in a newspaper, which a gentleman had sat upon,
coming down, and which was obliged to be ironed again, before it
was fit for service. At last, everybody was dressed, including
Nicholas, who had come home to fetch them, and they went away
in a coach sent by the brothers for the purpose: Mrs Nickleby
wondering very much what they would have for dinner, and cross-
examining Nicholas as to the extent of his discoveries in the
morning; whether he had smelt anything cooking at all like turtle,
and if not, what he had smelt; and diversifying the conversation
with reminiscences of dinners to which she had gone some twenty
years ago, concerning which she particularised not only the dishes
but the guests, in whom her hearers did not feel a very absorbing
interest, as not one of them had ever chanced to hear their names

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