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through with what I had begun, to help the right; and that when I
had done it, I’d burst into your room and tell you all, face to face,
man to man, and like a man. Now I’ve said my say, and let
anybody else say theirs, and fire away!’

With this concluding sentiment, Newman Noggs, who had been
perpetually sitting down and getting up again all through his
speech, which he had delivered in a series of jerks; and who was,
from the violent exercise and the excitement combined, in a state
of most intense and fiery heat; became, without passing through
any intermediate stage, stiff, upright, and motionless, and so
remained, staring at Ralph Nickleby with all his might and main.

Ralph looked at him for an instant, and for an instant only;
then, waved his hand, and beating the ground with his foot, said in
a choking voice:

‘Go on, gentlemen, go on! I’m patient, you see. There’s law to be
had, there’s law. I shall call you to an account for this. Take care
what you say; I shall make you prove it.’

‘The proof is ready,’ returned brother Charles, ‘quite ready to
our hands. The man Snawley, last night, made a confession.’

‘Who may “the man Snawley” be,’ returned Ralph, ‘and what
may his “confession” have to do with my affairs?’

To this inquiry, put with a dogged inflexibility of manner, the
old gentleman returned no answer, but went on to say, that to
show him how much they were in earnest, it would be necessary to
tell him, not only what accusations were made against him, but
what proof of them they had, and how that proof had been
acquired. This laying open of the whole question brought up
brother Ned, Tim Linkinwater, and Newman Noggs, all three at
once; who, after a vast deal of talking together, and a scene of

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