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in this early stage, which, however clear it may be to females, can
scarcely be expected to be so evident to men. I don’t say that I
have any particular penetration in such matters. I may have; those
about me should know best about that, and perhaps do know.
Upon that point I shall express no opinion, it wouldn’t become me
to do so, it’s quite out of the question, quite.’

Nicholas snuffed the candles, put his hands in his pockets, and,
leaning back in his chair, assumed a look of patient suffering and
melancholy resignation.

‘I think it my duty, Nicholas, my dear,’ resumed his mother, ‘to
tell you what I know: not only because you have a right to know it
too, and to know everything that happens in this family, but
because you have it in your power to promote and assist the thing
very much; and there is no doubt that the sooner one can come to
a clear understanding on such subjects, it is always better, every
way. There are a great many things you might do; such as taking a
walk in the garden sometimes, or sitting upstairs in your own
room for a little while, or making believe to fall asleep
occasionally, or pretending that you recollected some business,
and going out for an hour or so, and taking Mr Smike with you.
These seem very slight things, and I dare say you will be amused
at my making them of so much importance; at the same time, my
dear, I can assure you (and you’ll find this out, Nicholas, for
yourself one of these days, if you ever fall in love with anybody; as
I trust and hope you will, provided she is respectable and well
conducted, and of course you’d never dream of falling in love with
anybody who was not), I say, I can assure you that a great deal
more depends upon these little things than you would suppose
possible. If your poor papa was alive, he would tell you how much

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