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Spartan firmness, and at once and for ever to discourage hopes
which never could be realised. At other times, when Nicholas was
not there to overhear, and Kate was upstairs busily tending her
sick friend, the worthy lady would throw out dark hints of an
intention to send her daughter to France for three or four years, or
to Scotland for the improvement of her health impaired by her late
fatigues, or to America on a visit, or anywhere that threatened a
long and tedious separation. Nay, she even went so far as to hint,
obscurely, at an attachment entertained for her daughter by the
son of an old neighbour of theirs, one Horatio Peltirogus (a young
gentleman who might have been, at that time, four years old, or
thereabouts), and to represent it, indeed, as almost a settled thing
between the families--only waiting for her daughter’s final
decision, to come off with the sanction of the church, and to the
unspeakable happiness and content of all parties.

It was in the full pride and glory of having sprung this last mine
one night with extraordinary success, that Mrs Nickleby took the
opportunity of being left alone with her son before retiring to rest,
to sound him on the subject which so occupied her thoughts: not
doubting that they could have but one opinion respecting it. To
this end, she approached the question with divers laudatory and
appropriate remarks touching the general amiability of Mr Frank

‘You are quite right, mother,’ said Nicholas, ‘quite right. He is a
fine fellow.’

‘Good-looking, too,’ said Mrs Nickleby.
‘Decidedly good-looking,’ answered Nicholas.
‘What may you call his nose, now, my dear?’ pursued Mrs
Nickleby, wishing to interest Nicholas in the subject to the utmost.

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