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been distributed at the gate, the sick peasants have been tended,--
all our morning tasks have been performed. I hope our occupation
is a blameless one?’

‘“See here,” said the friar, taking the frame from her hand, “an
intricate winding of gaudy colours, without purpose or object,
unless it be that one day it is destined for some vain ornament, to
minister to the pride of your frail and giddy sex. Day after day has
been employed upon this senseless task, and yet it is not half
accomplished. The shade of each departed day falls upon our
graves, and the worm exults as he beholds it, to know that we are
hastening thither. Daughters, is there no better way to pass the
fleeting hours?”

‘The four elder sisters cast down their eyes as if abashed by the
holy man’s reproof, but Alice raised hers, and bent them mildly on
the friar.

‘“Our dear mother,” said the maiden; “Heaven rest her soul!”
‘“Amen!” cried the friar in a deep voice.

‘“Our dear mother,” faltered the fair Alice, “was living when
these long tasks began, and bade us, when she should be no more,
ply them in all discretion and cheerfulness, in our leisure hours;
she said that if in harmless mirth and maidenly pursuits we passed
those hours together, they would prove the happiest and most
peaceful of our lives, and that if, in later times, we went forth into
the world, and mingled with its cares and trials--if, allured by its
temptations and dazzled by its glitter, we ever forgot that love and
duty which should bind, in holy ties, the children of one loved
parent--a glance at the old work of our common girlhood would
awaken good thoughts of bygone days, and soften our hearts to
affection and love.”

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