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If you were men, as men you are in show, You would not use a gentle lady so:
To vow, and swear, and superpraise my parts, When I am sure you hate me with your

You both are rivals, and love Hermia; And now both rivals, to mock Helena.
A trim exploit, a manly enterprise, To conjure tears up in a poor maid’s eyes With your
derision! None of noble sort Would so offend a virgin, and extort A poor soul’s
patience, all to make you sport.

LYSANDER You are unkind, Demetrius; be not so; For you love Hermia. This you
know I know; And here, with all good will, with all my heart, In Hermia’s love I yield
you up my part; And yours of Helena to me bequeath, Whom I do love and will do till
my death.

HELENA Never did mockers waste more idle breath.
Lysander, keep thy Hermia; I will none.

If e’er I lov’d her, all that love is gone.
My heart to her but as guest-wise sojourn’d, And now to Helen is it home return’d,
There to remain.

LYSANDER Helen, it is not so.
DEMETRIUS Disparage not the faith thou dost not know, Lest, to thy peril, thou aby it

Look where thy love comes; yonder is thy dear.
HERMIA Dark night, that from the eye his function takes, The ear more quick of
apprehension makes; Wherein it doth impair the seeing sense, It pays the hearing
double recompense.

Thou art not by mine eye, Lysander, found; Mine ear, I thank it, brought me to thy

But why unkindly didst thou leave me so?
LYSANDER Why should he stay whom love doth press to go? HERMIA What love
could press Lysander from my side? LYSANDER Lysander’s love, that would not let
him bideFair Helena, who more engilds the night Than all yon fiery oes and eyes of

Why seek’st thou me? Could not this make thee know The hate I bare thee made me
leave thee so? HERMIA You speak not as you think; it cannot be.

HELENA Lo, she is one of this confederacy!
Now I perceive they have conjoin’d all three To fashion this false sport in spite of me.
Injurious Hermia! most ungrateful maid!

Have you conspir’d, have you with these contriv’d, To bait me with this foul derision?
Is all the counsel that we two have shar’d, The sisters’ vows, the hours that we have
spent, When we have chid the hasty-footed time For parting us-O, is all forgot? All
school-days’ friendship, childhood innocence? We, Hermia, like two artificial gods,
Have with our needles created both one flower, Both on one sampler, sitting on one
cushion, Both warbling of one song, both in one key; As if our hands, our sides, voices,
and minds, Had been incorporate. So we grew together, Like to a double cherry,
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