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Mr. Worthing, there is some error.
[Pointing to Lady Bracknell.]
There is the lady who can tell you who you really are.


[After a pause.]

Lady Bracknell, I hate to seem inquisitive, but would you kindly
inform me who I am? LADY BRA I am afraid that the news I have
to give you will not altogether please you. You are the son of my
poor sister, Mrs. Moncrieff, and consequently Algernon’s elder

JACK Algy’s elder brother! Then I have a brother after all. I knew I
had a brother! I always said I had a brother! Cecily, how could you
have ever doubted that I had a brother?

[Seizes hold of Algernon.]

Dr. Chasuble, my unfortunate brother. Miss Prism, my unfortunate
brother. Gwendolen, my unfortunate brother. Algy, you young
scoundrel, you will have to treat me with more respect in the
future. You have never behaved to me like a brother in all your life.

ALG Well, not till today, old boy, I admit. I did my best,
however, though I was out of practise.

[Shakes hands.]
[To Jack.]

My own! But what own are you? What is your Christian name,
now that you have become someone else? JACK Good Heavens!... I
had quite forgotten that point. Your decision on the subject of my
name is irrevocable, I suppose? GWEN I never change, except in
my affections.

CEC What a noble nature you have, Gwendolen!

JACK Then the question had better be cleared up at once. Aunt
Augusta, a moment. At the time when Miss Prism left me in the
hand-bag, had I been christened already?

LADY BRA Every luxury that money could buy, including
christening, had been lavished on you by your fond and doting

JACK Then I was christened! That is settled. Now, what name was
I given? Let me know the worst.
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