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CEC I am so glad.
ALG You’ll never break off our engagement again, Cecily?
CEC I don’t think I could break it off now that I have actually met

Besides, of course, there is the question of your name.
ALG Yes, of course.

CEC You must not laugh at me, darling, but it had always been a
girlish dream of mine to love some one whose name was Ernest.

[Algernon rises, Cecily also.]

There is something in that name that seems to inspire absolute
confidence. I pity any poor married woman whose husband is not
called Ernest.

ALG But, my dear child, do you mean to say you could not love
me if I had some other name? CEC But what name?

ALG Oh, any name you like-Algernon-for instance...
CEC But I don’t like the name of Algernon.

ALG Well, my own dear, sweet, loving little darling, I really can’t
see why you should object to the name of Algernon. It is not at all a
bad name. In fact, it is rather an aristocratic name. Half of the chaps
who get into the Bankruptcy Court are called Algernon. But
seriously, Cecily...

[Moving to her.]
...if my name was Algy, couldn’t you love me? CEC

I might respect you, Ernest, I might admire your character, but I
fear that I should not be able to give you my undivided attention.

ALG Ahem! Cecily!
[Picking up hat.]
Your Rector here is, I suppose, thoroughly experienced in the
practice of all the rites and ceremonials of the Church? CEC Oh,
yes. Dr. Chasuble is a most learned man. He has never written a
single book, so you can imagine how much he knows.

ALG I must see him at once on a most important christening-I
mean on most important business.

ALG I sha’n’t be away more than half an hour.
CEC Considering that we have been engaged since February the
14 th , and that I only met you to-day for the first time, I think it is
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