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CEC Oh, is he going to take you for a nice drive? ALG He’s going
to send me away.

CEC Then have we got to part?
ALG I am afraid so. It’s very painful parting.
CEC It is always painful to part from people whom one has known
for a very brief space of time. The absence of old friends one can
endure with equanimity. But even a momentary separation from
anyone to whom one has just been introduced is almost

ALG Thank you.
[Enter Merriman.]
MERR The dog-cart is at the door, sir.
[Algernon looks appealingly at Cecily.]
CEC It can wait, Merriman... for... five minutes.
MERR Yes, Miss.

[Exit Merriman.]
ALG I hope, Cecily, I shall not offend you if I state quite frankly
and openly that you seem to me to be in every way the visible
personification of absolute perfection.

CEC I think your frankness does you great credit, Ernest. If you
will allow me I will copy your remarks into my diary.

[Goes over to table and begins writing in diary.]

ALG Do you really keep a diary? I’d give anything to look at it.
May I? CEC Oh no.

[Puts her hand over it.]

You see, it is simply a very young girl’s record of her own thoughts
and impressions, and consequently meant for publication.

When it appears in volume form I hope you will order a copy. But
pray, Ernest, don’t stop. I delight in taking down from dictation. I
have reached “absolute perfection.” You can go on. I am quite
ready for more.


[Somewhat taken aback.]
Ahem! Ahem!

CEC Oh, don’t cough, Ernest. When one is dictating one should
speak fluently and not cough. Besides, I don’t know how to spell a

[Writes as Algernon speaks.]
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