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[Raising his hand.]

Charity, dear Miss Prism, charity! None of us are perfect. I myself
am peculiarly susceptible to draughts. Will the interment take
place here?

JACK No. He seemed to have expressed a desire to be buried in

CHAS In Paris!
[Shakes his head.]
I fear that hardly points to any very serious state of mind at the
last. You would no doubt wish me to make some slight allusion to
this tragic domestic affliction next Sunday.

[Jack presses his hand convulsively.]

My sermon on the meaning of the manna in the wilderness can be
adapted to almost any occasion, joyful, or, as in the present case,

[All sigh.]

I have preached it at harvest celebrations, christenings,
confirmations, on days of humiliation and festal days. The last time
I delivered it was in the Cathedral, as a charity sermon on behalf of
the Society for the Prevention of Discontent among the Upper

The Bishop, who was present, was much struck by some of the
analogies I drew.

JACK Ah! that reminds me, you mentioned christenings, I think,

Chasuble? I suppose you know how to christen all right?
[Dr. Chasuble looks astounded.]

I mean, of course, you are continually christening, aren’t you? MISS
PRI It is, I regret to say, one of the Rector’s most constant duties in
this parish. I have often spoken to the poorer classes on the subject.

But they don’t seem to know what thrift is.

CHAS But is there any particular infant in whom you are
interested, Mr.

Worthing? Your brother was, I believe, unmarried, was he not?
JACK Oh yes.
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