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JACK Gwendolen!

GWEN Yes, Mr. Worthing, what have you got to say to me? JACK
You know what I have got to say to you.

GWEN Yes, but you don’t say it.
JACK Gwendolen, will you marry me?
[Goes on his knees.]

GWEN Of course I will, darling. How long you have been about it!
I am afraid you have had very little experience in how to propose.

JACK My own one, I have never loved anyone in the world but

GWEN Yes, but men often propose for practice. I know my brother
Gerald does. All my girl-friends tell me so. What wonderfully blue
eyes you have, Ernest! They are quite, quite blue. I hope you will
always look at me just like that, especially when there are other
people present.

[Enter Lady Bracknell.]

LADY BRA Mr. Worthing! Rise, sir, from this semi-recumbent
posture. It is most indecorous.

GWEN Mamma!
[He tries to rise; she restrains him.]
I must beg you to retire. This is no place for you. Besides, Mr.
Worthing has not quite finished yet.

LADY BRA Finished what, may I ask? GWEN I am engaged to Mr.
Worthing, mamma.

[They rise together.]

LADY BRA Pardon me, you are not engaged to anyone. When you
do become engaged to some one, I, or your father, should his
health permit him, will inform you of the fact. An engagement
should come on a young girl as a surprise, pleasant or unpleasant,
as the case may be. It is hardly a matter that she could be allowed
to arrange for herself.... And now I have a few questions to put to
you, Mr.

Worthing. While I am making these inquiries, you, Gwendolen,
will wait for me below in the carriage.


LADY BRA In the carriage, Gwendolen!
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