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HELMER Here it is.
NORA Very well. Now it is all over. I lay the keys here. The servants know about
everything in the house-better than I do. To-morrow, when I have started, Christina
will come to pack up the things I brought with me from home. I will have them sent
after me.

HELMER All over! all over! Nora, will you never think of me again? NORA Oh, I shall
often think of you, and the children, and this house.

HELMER May I write to you, Nora?
NORA No-never. You must not.
HELMER But I must send youNORA Nothing, nothing.
HELMER I must help you if you need it.

NORA No, I say. I take nothing from strangers.
HELMER Nora-can I never be more than a stranger to you? NORA [Taking her
travelling-bag.] Oh, Torvald, then the miracle of miracles would have to
happenHELMER What is the miracle of miracles? NORA Both of us would have to
change so that-Oh, Torvald, I no longer believe in miracles.

HELMER But I will believe. Tell me! We must so change that-? NORA That
communion between us shall be a marriage. Good-bye.

[She goes out by the hall door.

HELMER [Sinks into a chair by the door with his face in his hands.]
Nora! Nora!

[He looks round and rises.]
Empty. She is gone.

[A hope springs up in him.]
Ah! The miracle of miracles-?!
[From below is heard the reverberation of a heavy door closing.

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