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HELMER What do you mean? NORA I know nothing but what Pastor Hansen told me
when I was confirmed. He explained that religion was this and that. When I get away
from all this and stand alone, I will look into that matter too. I will see whether what he
taught me is right, or, at any rate, whether it is right for me.

HELMER Oh, this is unheard of! And from so young a woman! But if religion cannot
keep you right, let me appeal to your consciencefor I suppose you have some moral
feeling? Or, answer me: perhaps you have none? NORA Well, Torvald, it’s not easy to
say. I really don’t know-I am all at sea about these things. I only know that I think
quite differently from you about them. I hear, too, that the laws are different from what
I thought: but I can’t believe that they can be right. It appears that a woman has no
right to spare her dying father, or to save her husband’s life! I don’t believe that.

HELMER You talk like a child. You don’t understand the society in which you live.
NORA No, I do not. But now I shall try to learn. I must make up my mind which is
right-society or I.

HELMER Nora, you are ill; you are feverish; I almost think you are out of your senses.
NORA I have never felt so much clearness and certainty as to-night.

HELMER You are clear and certain enough to forsake husband and children? NORA
Yes, I am.

HELMER Then there is only one explanation possible.
NORA What is that? HELMER You no longer love me.
NORA No; that is just it.

HELMER Nora!- Can you say so!
NORA Oh, I’m so sorry, Torvald; for you’ve always been so kind to me. But I can’t help
it. I do not love you any longer.

HELMER [Mastering himself with difficulty.] Are you clear and certain on this point
too? NORA Yes, quite. That is why I will not stay here any longer.

HELMER And can you also make clear to me how I have forfeited your love? NORA
Yes, I can. It was this evening, when the miracle did not happen; for then I saw you
were not the man I had imagined.

HELMER Explain yourself more clearly; I don’t understand NORA I have waited so
patiently all these eight years. for of course I saw clearly enough that miracles don’t
happen every day. When this crushing blow threatened me, I said to myself so
confidently, “Now comes the miracle!” When Krogstad’s letter lay in the box, it never
for a moment occurred to me that you would think of submitting to that man’s
conditions. I was convinced that you would say to him, “Make it known to all the
world”; and that thenHELMER Well? When I had given my own wife’s name up to
disgrace and shame-? NORA Then I firmly believed that you would come forward,
take everything upon yourself, and say, “I am the guilty one.” HELMER Nora-!

NORA You mean I would never have accepted such a sacrifice? No, certainly not. But
what would my assertions have been worth in opposition to yours?- That was the
miracle that I hoped for and dreaded. And it was to hinder that that I wanted to die.
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