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[Nora looks inquiringly at him.

HELMER Nora!- Oh! I must read it again.- Yes, yes, it is so. I am saved! Nora, I am


HELMER You too, of course; we are both saved, both of us. Look here-he sends you
back your promissory note. He writes that he regrets and apologises, that a happy turn
in his life-Oh, what matter what he writes. We are saved, Nora! No one can harm you.
Oh, Nora, Nora-; but first to get rid of this hateful thing. I’ll just see[Glances at the
I.O.U.] No, I will not look at it; the whole thing shall be nothing but a dream to me.

[Tears the I.O.U. and both letters in pieces. Throws them into thefire and watches them
burn.] There! it’s gone!- He said that ever since Christmas Eve-Oh, Nora, they must
have been three terrible days for you!

NORA I have fought a hard fight for the last three days.

HELMER And in your agony you saw no other outlet but-No; we won’t think of that
horror. We will only rejoice and repeat-it’s over, all over! Don’t you hear, Nora? You
don’t seem able to grasp it.

Yes, it’s over. What is this set look on your face? Oh, my poor Nora, I understand; you
cannot believe that I have forgiven you.

But I have, Nora; I swear it. I have forgiven everything. I know that what you did was
all for love of me.

NORA That is true.

HELMER You loved me as a wife should love her husband. It was only the means that,
in your inexperience, you misjudged. But do you think I love you the less because you
cannot do without guidance? No, no. Only lean on me; I will counsel you, and guide
you. I should be no true man if this very womanly helplessness did not make you
doubly dear in my eyes. You mustn’t dwell upon the hard things I said in my first
moment of terror, when the world seemed to be tumbling about my ears. I have
forgiven you, Nora-I swear I have forgiven you.

NORA I thank you for your forgiveness.
[Goes out, to the right.

HELMER No, stay-!
[Looking through the doorway.]
What are you going to do? NORA[Inside.] To take off my masquerade dress.
HELMER [In the doorway.] Yes, do, dear. Try to calm down, and recover your balance,
my scared little song-bird. You may rest secure. I have broad wings to shield you.
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