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NORA Yes, too late.
HELMER My dear Nora, I forgive your anxiety, though it’s anything but flattering to
me. Why should you suppose that I would be afraid of a wretched scribbler’s spite? But
I forgive you all the same, for it’s a proof of your great love for me.

[Takes her in his arms.]

That’s as it should be, my own dear Nora. Let what will happen-when it comes to the
pinch, I shall have strength and courage enough. You shall see: my shoulders are broad
enough to bear the whole burden.

NORA [Terror-struck.] What do you mean by that? HELMER The whole burden, I
sayNORA [With decision.] That you shall never, never do!

HELMER Very well; then we’ll share it, Nora, as man and wife. That is how it should

[Petting her.]

Are you satisfied now? Come, come, come, don’t look like a scared dove. It’s all
nothing-foolish fancies.- Now you ought to play the tarantella through and practise
with the tambourine. I shall sit in my inner room and shut both doors, so that I shall
hear nothing. as much noise as you please.

[Turns round in doorway.]
And when Rank comes, just tell him where I’m to be found.
[He nods to her, and goes with his papers into his room, closing the door.]
NORA [Bewildered with terror, stands as though rooted to the ground, and whispers.]
He would do it. Yes, he would do it. He would do it, in spite of all the world.- No,
never that, never, never! Anything rather than that!

Oh, for some way of escape! What shall I do-!
[Hall bell rings.]

Doctor Rank-!- Anything, anything, rather than-!
[NORA draws her hands over her face, pulls herself together, goes to the door and
opens it. RANK stands outside hanging up his fur coat. During what follows it begins
to grow dark.

NORA Good afternoon, Doctor Rank, I knew you by your ring. But you mustn’t go to
Torvald now. I believe he’s busy.

RANK And you? Enters and closes the door.NORA Oh, you know very well, I have
always time for you.

RANK Thank you. I shall avail myself of your kindness as long as I can.

NORA What do you mean? As long as you can? RANK Yes. Does that frighten you?
NORA I think it’s an odd expression. Do you expect anything to happen?
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