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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane

But the long serpents crawled slowly from
hill to hill without bluster of smoke. A dun-col-
ored cloud of dust floated away to the right.
The sky overhead was of a fairy blue.

The youth studied the faces of his compan-
ions, ever on the watch to detect kindred emo-
tions. He suffered disappointment. Some ardor
of the air which was causing the veteran com-
mands to move with glee--almost with song--
had infected the new regiment. The men began
to speak of victory as of a thing they knew.
Also, the tall soldier received his vindication.
They were certainly going to come around in
behind the enemy. They expressed commisera-
tion for that part of the army which had been
left upon the river bank, felicitating themselves
upon being a part of a blasting host.

The youth, considering himself as separated
from the others, was saddened by the blithe and
merry speeches that went from rank to rank.
The company wags all made their best endeav-
ors. The regiment tramped to the tune of

The blatant soldier often convulsed whole
files by his biting sarcasms aimed at the tall one.

And it was not long before all the men seemed
to forget their mission. Whole brigades grinned
in unison, and regiments laughed.

A rather fat soldier attempted to pilfer a horse
from a dooryard. He planned to load his knap-
sack upon it. He was escaping with his prize
when a young girl rushed from the house and
grabbed the animal's mane. There followed a
wrangle. The young girl, with pink cheeks and
shining eyes, stood like a dauntless statue.

The observant regiment, standing at rest in
the roadway, whooped at once, and entered
whole-souled upon the side of the maiden. The
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