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indeed, it dated from the time of my taking up my residence in Mr.
Wickfield's house. She was not alone, she said. Her papa was with
her - and Uriah Heep.

'And now they are partners,' said I. 'Confound him!'

'Yes,' said Agnes. 'They have some business here; and I took
advantage of their coming, to come too. You must not think my
visit all friendly and disinterested, Trotwood, for - I am afraid
I may be cruelly prejudiced - I do not like to let papa go away
alone, with him.'

'Does he exercise the same influence over Mr. Wickfield still,

Agnes shook her head. 'There is such a change at home,' said she,
'that you would scarcely know the dear old house. They live with
us now.'

'They?' said I.

'Mr. Heep and his mother. He sleeps in your old room,' said Agnes,
looking up into my face.

'I wish I had the ordering of his dreams,' said I. 'He wouldn't
sleep there long.'

'I keep my own little room,' said Agnes, 'where I used to learn my
lessons. How the time goes! You remember? The little panelled
room that opens from the drawing-room?'

'Remember, Agnes? When I saw you, for the first time, coming out
at the door, with your quaint little basket of keys hanging at your

'It is just the same,' said Agnes, smiling. 'I am glad you think
of it so pleasantly. We were very happy.'

'We were, indeed,' said I.

'I keep that room to myself still; but I cannot always desert Mrs.
Heep, you know. And so,' said Agnes, quietly, 'I feel obliged to
bear her company, when I might prefer to be alone. But I have no
other reason to complain of her. If she tires me, sometimes, by
her praises of her son, it is only natural in a mother. He is a
very good son to her.'
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