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be necessary, though I do not abound in that neither': this I
added because I would not make her expect great things.
'Well, madam,' says she, 'that is the thing indeed, without
which nothing can be done in these cases; and yet,' says she,
'you shall see that I will not impose upon you, or offer anything
that is unkind to you, and if you desire it, you shall know
everything beforehand, that you may suit yourself to the
occasion, and be neither costly or sparing as you see fit.'

I told her she seemed to be so perfectly sensible of my condition,
that I had nothing to ask of her but this, that as I had told her
that I had money sufficient, but not a great quantity, she would
order it so that I might be at as little superfluous charge as

She replied that she would bring in an account of the expenses
of it in two or three shapes, and like a bill of fare, I should
choose as I pleased; and I desired her to do so.

The next day she brought it, and the copy of her three bills
was a follows:--

1. For three months' lodging in her house, including
my diet, at 10s. a week . . . . . .6#, 0s., 0d.

2. For a nurse for the month, and use of childbed
linen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1#, 10s., 0d.

3. For a minister to christen the child, and to the
godfathers and clerk . . . . . . . .1#, 10s., 0d.

4. For a supper at the christening if I had five friends
at it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1#, 0s., 0d.

For her fees as a midwife, and the taking off the
trouble of the parish . . . . . . . . 3#, 3s., 0d.

To her maid servant attending . 0#, 10s., 0d.


13#, 13s. 0d

This was the first bill; the second was the same terms:--

1. For three months' lodging and diet, etc., at 20s.
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