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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - Digital Library-Sophocles-Oedipus the King by Sophocles

Who hid in her bower, among
The wine-dark ivy that wreathes the vale,

Trilleth her ceaseless song;
And she loves, where the clustering berries nod

O'er a sunless, windless glade,
The spot by no mortal footstep trod,
The pleasance kept for the Bacchic god,
Where he holds each night his revels wild
With the nymphs who fostered the lusty child.

(Ant. 1)

And fed each morn by the pearly dew

The starred narcissi shine,
And a wreath with the crocus' golden hue

For the Mother and Daughter twine.
And never the sleepless fountains cease

That feed Cephisus' stream,
But they swell earth's bosom with quick increase,

And their wave hath a crystal gleam.
And the Muses' quire will never disdain
To visit this heaven-favored plain,
Nor the Cyprian queen of the golden rein.

(Str. 2)

And here there grows, unpruned, untamed,

Terror to foemen's spear,
A tree in Asian soil unnamed,
By Pelops' Dorian isle unclaimed,
Self-nurtured year by year;
'Tis the grey-leaved olive that feeds our boys;
Nor youth nor withering age destroys
The plant that the Olive Planter tends
And the Grey-eyed Goddess herself defends.

(Ant. 2)

Yet another gift, of all gifts the most
Prized by our fatherland, we boast--
The might of the horse, the might of the sea;
Our fame, Poseidon, we owe to thee,
Son of Kronos, our king divine,
Who in these highways first didst fit
For the mouth of horses the iron bit;

Thou too hast taught us to fashion meet
For the arm of the rower the oar-blade fleet,
Swift as the Nereids' hundred feet
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