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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - Digital Library-Sophocles-Oedipus the King by Sophocles

And who hath told thee what thou tell'st me, child?

Envoys who visited the Delphic hearth.

Hath Phoebus spoken thus concerning me?

So say the envoys who returned to Thebes.

And can a son of mine have heard of this?

Yea, both alike, and know its import well.

They knew it, yet the ignoble greed of rule
Outweighed all longing for their sire's return.

Grievous thy words, yet I must own them true.

Then may the gods ne'er quench their fatal feud,
And mine be the arbitrament of the fight,
For which they now are arming, spear to spear;
That neither he who holds the scepter now
May keep this throne, nor he who fled the realm
Return again. _They_ never raised a hand,
When I their sire was thrust from hearth and home,
When I was banned and banished, what recked they?
Say you 'twas done at my desire, a grace
Which the state, yielding to my wish, allowed?

Not so; for, mark you, on that very day
When in the tempest of my soul I craved
Death, even death by stoning, none appeared
To further that wild longing, but anon,
When time had numbed my anguish and I felt
My wrath had all outrun those errors past,
Then, then it was the city went about
By force to oust me, respited for years;

And then my sons, who should as sons have helped,
Did nothing: and, one little word from them
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