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Translation by F. Storr, BA
Formerly Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge

From the Loeb Library Edition

Originally published by
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
William Heinemann Ltd, London

First published in 1912



OEDIPUS, the blind and banished King of Thebes, has come in his
wanderings to Colonus, a deme of Athens, led by his daughter Antigone.
He sits to rest on a rock just within a sacred grove of the Furies and
is bidden depart by a passing native. But OEDIPUS, instructed by an
oracle that he had reached his final resting-place, refuses to stir,
and the stranger consents to go and consult the Elders of Colonus (the
CHORUS of the Play). Conducted to the spot they pity at first the
blind beggar and his daughter, but on learning his name they are
horror-striken and order him to quit the land. He appeals to the
world-famed hospitality of Athens and hints at the blessings that his
coming will confer on the State. They agree to await the decision of
King Theseus. From Theseus OEDIPUS craves protection in life and
burial in Attic soil; the benefits that will accrue shall be told
later. Theseus departs having promised to aid and befriend him. No
sooner has he gone than CREON enters with an armed guard who seize
Antigone and carry her off (Ismene, the other sister, they have
already captured) and he is about to lay hands on OEDIPUS, when
Theseus, who has heard the tumult, hurries up and, upbraiding CREON
for his lawless act, threatens to detain him till he has shown where
the captives are and restored them. In the next scene Theseus returns
bringing with him the rescued maidens. He informs OEDIPUS that a
stranger who has taken sanctuary at the altar of Poseidon wishes to
see him. It is Polyneices who has come to crave his father's
forgiveness and blessing, knowing by an oracle that victory will fall
to the side that OEDIPUS espouses. But OEDIPUS spurns the hypocrite,
and invokes a dire curse on both his unnatural sons. A sudden clap of
thunder is heard, and as peal follows peal, OEDIPUS is aware that his
hour is come and bids Antigone summon Theseus. Self-guided he leads
the way to the spot where death should overtake him, attended by
Theseus and his daughters. Halfway he bids his daughters farewell,
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