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bursting forth like a fire. I had supposed that it must be latent in
the people somewhere; but, I had never seen it break out, until I
saw it in the dying boy.

“’Nevertheless, Doctor, my sister married. He was ailing at that
time, poor fellow, and she married her lover, that she might tend
and comfort him in our cottage-our dog-hut, as that man would
call it. She had not been married many weeks, when that man’s
brother saw her and admired her, and asked that man to lend her
to him-for what are husbands among us! He was willing enough,
but my sister was good and virtuous, and hated his brother with a
hatred as strong as mine. What did the two then, to persuade her
husband to use his influence with her, to make her willing?’ “The
boy’s eyes, which had been fixed on mine, slowly turned to the
lookeron, and I saw in the two faces that all he said was true. The
two opposing kinds of pride confronting one another, I can see,
even in this Bastille; the gentleman’s, all negligent indifference; the
peasant’s, all trodden-down sentiment, and passionate revenge.
“’You know, Doctor, that it is among the Rights of these Nobles to
harness us common dogs to carts, and drive us. They so harnessed
him and drove him. You know that it is among their Rights to keep
us in their grounds all night, quieting the frogs, in order that their
noble sleep may not be disturbed. They kept him out in the
unwholesome mists at night, and ordered him back into his
harness in the day. But he was not persuaded. No! Taken out of
harness one day at noon, to feedif he could find food-he sobbed
twelve times, once for every stroke of the bell, and died on her
bosom.’ “Nothing human could have beld life in the boy but his
determination to tell all his wrong. He forced back the gathering
shadows of death, as he forced his clenched right hand to remain
clenched, and to cover his wound.

“’Then, with that man’s permission and even with his aid, his
brother took her away; in spite of what I know she must have told
his brother-and what that is, will not be long unknown to you,
Doctor, if it is now-his brother took her away-for his pleasure and
diversion, for a little while. I saw her pass me on the road. When I
took the tidings home, our father’s heart burst; he never spoke one
of the words that filled it. I took my young sister (for I have
another) to a place beyond the reach of this man, and where, at
least, she will never be his vassal.

Then, I tracked the brother here, and last night climbed in-a
common dog, but sword in hand.- Where is the loft window? It
was somewhere here?’
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