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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
let loose, according to contract, speeding them off with various direful ejacula-
tions. And now ensued a miscellaneous scene of confusion. Sam and Andy ran
and shouted,- dogs barked here and there,- and Mike, Mose, Mandy, Fanny, and
all the smaller specimens on the place, both male and female, raced, clapped
hands, whooped, and shouted, with outrageous officiousness and untiring zeal.

Haley’s horse, which was a white one, and very fleet and spirited, appeared to
enter into the spirit of the scene with great gusto; and having for his coursing
ground a lawn of nearly half a mile in extent, gently sloping down on every side
into indefinite woodland, he appeared to take infinite delight in seeing how near
he could allow his pursuers to approach him, and then, when within a hand’s
breadth, whisk off with a start and a snort, like a mischievous beast as he was,
and career far down into some alley of the wood-lot. Nothing was further from
Sam’s mind than to have any one of the troop taken until such season as should
seem to him most befitting,- and the exertions that he made were certainly most
heroic. Like the sword of Coeur de Lion, which always blazed in the front and
thickest of the battle, Sam’s palm-leaf was to be seen everywhere when there was
the least danger that a horse could be caught;- there he would bear down full tilt,
shouting, “Now for it! cotch him! cotch him!” in a way that would set everything
to indiscriminate rout in a moment.

Haley ran up and down, and cursed and swore and stamped miscellaneously.
Mr. Shelby in vain tried to shout directions from the balcony, and Mrs. Shelby
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