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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Old lady don’t like your humble servant, over and above,” said Haley, with
an uneasy effort to be very familiar.

“I am not accustomed to hear my wife spoken of with such freedom,” said
Mr. Shelby, dryly.

“Beg pardon; of course, only a joke, you know,” said Haley, forcing a laugh.

“Some jokes are less agreeable than others,” rejoined Shelby.

“Devilish free, now I’ve signed those papers, cuss him!” muttered Haley to
himself; “quite grand, since yesterday!”

Never did fall of any prime minister at court occasion wider surges of sensa-
tion than the report of Tom’s fate among his compeers on the place. It was the
topic in every mouth, everywhere; and nothing was done in the house or in the
field, but to discuss its probable results. Eliza’s flight-an unprecedented event on
the place-was also a great accessory in stimulating the general excitement.

Black Sam, as he was commonly called, from his being about three shades
blacker than any other son of ebony on the place, was revolving the matter pro-
foundly in all its phases and bearings, with a comprehensiveness of vision and a
strict lookout to his own personal well-being, that would have done credit to any
white patriot in Washington.

“It’s an ill wind dat blows nowhar,- dat ar a fact,” said Sam, sententiously, giv-
ing an additional hoist to his pantaloons, and adroitly substituting a long nail in
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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