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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Good Lord! what’s that?” said Aunt Chloe, starting up and hastily drawing
the curtain. “My sakes alive, if it an’t ‘Lizy! Get on your clothes, old man, quick!-
there’s old Bruno, too, a-pawin’ round; what on airth! I’m gwine to open the

And, suiting the action to the word, the door flew open, and the light of the tal-
low candle, which Tom had hastily lighted, fell on the haggard face and dark,
wild eyes of the fugitive.

“Lord bless you!- I’m skeered to look at ye, ‘Lizy! Are ye tuck sick, or what’s
come over ye?”

“I’m running away-Uncle Tom and Aunt Chloe-carrying off my child-Mas-
ter sold him!”

“Sold him?” echoed both, lifting up their hands in dismay.

“Yes, sold him!” said Eliza, firmly; “I crept into the closet by Mistress’ door
to-night, and I heard Master tell Missis that he had sold my Harry, and you, Uncle
Tom, both, to a trader; and that he was going off this morning on his horse, and
that the man was to take possession to-day.”

Tom had stood, during this speech, with his hands raised, and his eyes dilated,
like a man in a dream. Slowly and gradually, as its meaning came over him, he
collapsed, rather than seated himself, on his old chair, and sunk his head down
upon his knees.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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