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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
And, indeed, in two or three days, such a change has passed over Cassy, that
our readers would scarcely know her. The despairing, haggard expression of her
face had given way to one of gentle trust. She seemed to sink, at once, into the
bosom of the family, and take the little ones into her heart, as something for
which it long had waited. Indeed, her love seemed to flow more naturally to the
little Eliza than to her own daughter; for she was the exact image and body of the
child whom she had lost. The little one was a flowery bond between mother and
daughter, through whom grew up acquaintanceship and affection. Eliza’s steady,
consistent piety, regulated by the constant reading of the sacred word, made her a
proper guide for the shattered and wearied mind of her mother. Cassy yielded at
once, and with her whole soul, to every good influence, and became a devout and
tender Christian.

After a day or two, Madame de Thoux told her brother more particularly of
her affairs. The death of her husband had left her an ample fortune, which she gen-
erously offered to share with the family. When she asked George what way she
could best apply it for him, he answered, “Give me an education, Emily; that has
always been my heart’s desire. Then, I can do all the rest.”

On mature deliberation, it was decided that the whole family should go, for
some years, to France; whither they sailed, carrying Emmeline with them.

The good looks of the latter won the affection of the first mate of the vessel;
and, shortly after entering the port, she became his wife.
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