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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“I have not, as yet, said to you what I think of this most atrocious affair;- this
is not the time and place. But, sir, this innocent blood shall have justice. I will pro-
claim this murder. I will go to the very first magistrate, and expose you.”

“Do!” said Legree, snapping his fingers, scornfully. “I’d like to see you doing
it. Where you going to get witnesses?- how you going to prove it?- Come, now!”

George saw, at once, the force of this defiance. There was not a white person
on the place, and, in all southern courts, the testimony of colored blood is noth-
ing. He felt, at that moment, as if he could have rent the heavens with his heart’s
indignant cry for justice; but in vain.

“After all, what a fuss, for a dead nigger!” said Legree.

The word was as a spark to a powder magazine. Prudence was never a cardi-
nal virtue of the Kentucky boy. George turned, and, with one indignant blow,
knocked Legree flat upon his face; and, as he stood over him, blazing with wrath
and defiance, he would have formed no bad personification of his great namesake
triumphing over the dragon.

Some men, however, are decidedly bettered by being knocked down. If a man
lays them fairly flat in the dust, they seem immediately to conceive a respect for
him; and Legree was one of this sort. As he rose, therefore, and brushed the dust
from his clothes, he eyed the slowly-retreating wagon with some evident consid-
eration; nor did he open his mouth till it was out of sight.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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