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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
few days after, brought, of course, an absorbing pressure of other interests for a

Mr. Shelby showed his confidence in his wife’s ability by appointing her sole
executrix upon his estates; and thus immediately a large and complicated amount
of business was brought upon her hands.

Mrs. Shelby, with characteristic energy, applied herself to the work of straight-
ening the entangled web of affairs; and she and George were for some time occu-
pied with collecting and examining accounts, selling property and settling debts,
for Mrs. Shelby was determined that everything should be brought into tangible
and recognizable shape, let the consequences to her prove what they might. In the
meantime, they received a letter from the lawyer to whom Miss Ophelia had re-
ferred them, saying that he knew nothing of the matter, that the man was sold at a
public auction, and that, beyond receiving the money, he knew nothing of the af-

Neither George nor Mrs. Shelby could be easy at this result, and, accordingly,
some six months after, the latter, having business for his mother, down the river,
resolved to visit New Orleans, in person, and push his inquiries, in hopes of dis-
covering Tom’s whereabouts, and restoring him.

After some months of unsuccessful search, by the merest accident, George
fell in with a man, in New Orleans, who happened to be possessed of the desired
information; and with his money in his pocket, our hero took steamboat for Red
River, resolving to find out and re-purchase his old friend.
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