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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Ay, ay!” said the giant, as he dragged him along; “ye’ll cotch it, now! I’ll
boun’ Mas’r’s back’s up high! No sneaking out, now! Tell ye, ye’ll get it, and no
mistake! See how ye’ll look, now, helpin’ Mas’r’s niggers to run away. See what
ye’ll get!”

The savage words none of them reached that ear!- a higher voice there was
saying, “Fear not them that kill the body, and, after that, have no more that they
can do.” Nerve and bone of that poor man’s body vibrated to those words, as if
touched by the finger of God; and he felt the strength of a thousand souls in one.
As he passed along, the trees and bushes, the huts of his servitude, the whole
scene of his degradation, seemed to whirl by him as the landscape by the rushing
car. His soul throbbed,- his home was in sight,- and the hour of release seemed at

“Well, Tom!” said Legree, walking up, and seizing him grimly by the collar of
his coat, and speaking through his teeth, in a paroxysm of determined rage, “do
you know I’ve made up my mind to KILL YOU?”

“It’s very likely, Mas’r,” said Tom, calmly.

“I have,” said Legree, with grim, terrible calmness, “done-just-that-thing,
Tom, unless you’ll tell me what you know about these yer gals!”

Tom stood silent.

“D’ye hear?” said Legree, stamping, with a roar like that of an incensed lion.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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