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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Emmeline, in her child-like simplicity, was half afraid of the dark moods of
Cassy. She looked perplexed, but made no answer. She only took her hand, with a
gentle, caressing movement.

“Don’t!” said Cassy, trying to draw it away; “you’ll get me to loving you; and
I never mean to love anything, again!”

“Poor Cassy!” said Emmeline, “don’t feel so! If the Lord gives us liberty, per-
haps He’ll give you back your daughter; at any rate, I’ll be like a daughter to you.
I know I’ll never see my poor old mother again! I shall love you, Cassy, whether
you love me or not!

The gentle, child-like spirit conquered. Cassy sat down by her, put her arm
around her neck, stroked her soft, brown hair; and Emmeline then wondered at
the beauty of her magnificent eyes, now soft with tears.

“O Em!” said Cassy, “I’ve hungered for my children, and thirsted for them,
and my eyes fail with longing for them! Here! here!” she said, striking her breast,
“it’s all desolate, all empty! If God would give me back my children, then I could

“You must trust him, Cassy,” said Emmeline; “he is our Father!”

“His wrath is upon us,” said Cassy; “he has turned away in anger.”

“No, Cassy! He will be good to us! Let us hope in Him,” said Emmeline,- “I
always have had hope.”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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