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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Can rats walk downstairs, and come walking through the entry, and open a
door when you’ve locked it and set a chair against it?” said Cassy; “and come
walk, walk, walking right up to your bed, and put out their hand, so?”

Cassy kept her glittering eyes fixed on Legree, as she spoke, and he stared at
her like a man in the nightmare, till, when she finished by laying her hand, icy
cold, on his, he sprung back, with an oath.

“Woman! what do you mean? Nobody did?-”

“O, no,- of course not,- did I say they did?” said Cassy, with a smile of chill-
ing derision.

“But-did-have you really seen?- Come, Cass, what is it, now,- speak out!”

“You may sleep there, yourself,” said Cassy, “if you want to know.”

“Did it come from the garret, Cassy?”

“It,- what?” said Cassy.

“Why, what you told of-”

“I didn’t tell you anything,” said Cassy, with dogged sullenness.

Legree walked up and down the room, uneasily.

“I’ll have this yer thing examined. I’ll look into it, this very night. I’ll take my

“Do,” said Cassy; “sleep in that room. I’d like to see you doing it. Fire your
pistols,- do!”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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