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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
The influence of Cassy over him was of a strange and singular kind. He was
her owner, her tyrant and tormentor. She was, as he knew, wholly, and without
any possibility of help or redress, in his hands; and yet so it is, that the most bru-
tal man cannot live in constant association with a strong female influence, and not
be greatly controlled by it. When he first bought her, she was, as she had said, a
woman delicately bred; and then he crushed her, without scruple, beneath the foot
of his brutality. But, as time, and debasing influences, and despair, hardened wom-
anhood within her, and waked the fires of fiercer passions, she had become in a
measure his mistress, and he alternately tyrannized over and dreaded her.

This influence had become more harassing and decided, since partial insanity
had given a strange, weird, unsettled cast to all her words and language.

A night or two after this, Legree was sitting in the old sitting-room, by the
side of a flickering wood fire, that threw uncertain glances round the room. It was
a stormy, windy night, such as raises whole squadrons of nondescript noises in
rickety old houses. Windows were rattling, shutters flapping, the wind carousing,
rumbling, and tumbling down the chimney, and, every once in a while, puffing
out smoke and ashes, as if a legion of spirits were coming after them. Legree had
been casting up accounts and reading newspapers for some hours, while Cassy sat
in the corner, sullenly looking into the fire. Legree laid down his paper, and see-
ing an old book lying on the table, which he had noticed Cassy reading, the first
part of the evening, took it up, and began to turn it over. It was one of those col-
lections of stories of bloody murders, ghostly legends, and supernatural visita-
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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