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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
But the blows fell now only on the outer man, and not, as before, on the heart.
Tom stood perfectly submissive; and yet Legree could not hide from himself that
his power over his bond thrall was somehow gone. And, as Tom disappeared in
his cabin, and he wheeled his horse suddenly round, there passed through his
mind one of those vivid flashes that often send the lightning of conscience across
the dark and wicked soul. He understood full well that it was GOD who was
standing between him and his victim, and he blasphemed him. That submissive
and silent man, whom taunts, nor threats, nor stripes, nor cruelties, could disturb,
roused a voice within him, such as of old his Master roused in the demoniac soul,
saying, “What have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?- art thou come to
torment us before the time?”

Tom’s whole soul overflowed with compassion and sympathy for the poor
wretches by whom he was surrounded. To him it seemed as if his life-sorrows
were now over, and as if, out of that strange treasury of peace and joy, with which
he had been endowed from above, he longed to pour out something for the relief
of their woes. It is true, opportunities were scanty, but, on the way to the fields,
and back again, and during the hours of labor, chances fell in his way of extend-
ing a helping-hand to the weary, the disheartened and discouraged. The poor,
worn-down, brutalized creatures, at first, could scarce comprehend this; but, when
it was continued week after week, and month after month, it began to awaken
long-silent chords in their benumbed hearts.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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