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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
capabilities of our mortality, or the ways in which He may encourage the de-
sponding souls of the desolate? If the poor forgotten slave believes that Jesus hath
appeared and spoken to him, who shall contradict him? Did He not say that his
mission, in all ages, was to bind up the broken-hearted, and set at liberty them
that are bruised?

When the dim gray of dawn woke the slumberers to go forth to the field, there
was among those tattered and shivering wretches one who walked with an exul-
tant tread; for firmer than the ground he trod on was his strong faith in Almighty,
eternal love. Ah, Legree, try all your forces now! Utmost agony, woe, degrada-
tion, want, and loss of all things, shall only hasten on the process by which he
shall be made a king and a priest unto God!

From this time, an inviolable sphere of peace encompassed the lowly heart of
the oppressed one,- an ever-present Saviour hallowed it as a temple. Past now the
bleeding of earthly regrets; past its fluctuations of hope, and fear, and desire; the
human will, bent, and bleeding, and struggling long, was now entirely merged in
the Divine. So short now seemed the remaining voyage of life,- so near, so vivid,
seemed eternal blessedness,- that life’s uttermost woes fell from him unharming.

All noticed the change in his appearance. Cheerfulness and alertness seemed
to return to him, and a quietness which no insult or injury could ruffle seemed to
possess him.

“What the devil’s got into Tom?” Legree said to Sambo. “A while ago he was
all down in the mouth, and now he’s pert as a cricket.”
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