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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
cakes and candy, had cemented a very close attachment on the part of the young

The hack drove to the wharf. The two young men, as they appeared, walked
up the plank into the boat, Eliza gallantly giving her arm to Mrs. Smyth, and
George attending to their baggage.

George was standing at the captain’s office, settling for his party, when he
overheard two men talking by his side.

“I’ve watched every one that came on board,” said one, “and I know they’re
not on this boat.”

The voice was that of the clerk of the boat. The speaker whom he addressed
was our sometime friend Marks, who, with that valuable perseverance which char-
acterized him had come on to Sandusky, seeking whom he might devour.

“You would scarcely know the woman from a white woman,” said Marks.
“The man is a very light mulatto; he has a brand in one of his hands.”

The hand with which George was taking the tickets and change trembled a lit-
tle; but he turned coolly around, fixed an unconcerned glance on the face of the
speaker, and walked leisurely toward another part of the boat, where Eliza stood
waiting for him.

Mrs. Smyth, with little Harry, sought the seclusion of the ladies’ cabin, where
the dark beauty of the supposed little girl drew many flattering comments from
the passengers.
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