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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“But he will give up,- course, he will; don’t I know what niggers is? He’ll beg
like a dog, this morning.”

“He won’t, Simon; you don’t know this kind. You may kill him by inches,-
you won’t get the first word of confession out of him.”

“We’ll see;- where is he?” said Legree, going out.

“In the waste-room of the gin-house,” said Cassy.

Legree, though he talked so stoutly to Cassy, still sallied forth from the house
with a degree of misgiving which was not common with him. His dreams of the
past night, mingled with Cassy’s prudential suggestions, considerably affected his
mind. He resolved that nobody should be witness of his encounter with Tom; and
determined, if he could not subdue him by bullying, to defer his vengeance, to be
wreaked in a more convenient season.

The solemn light of dawn-the angelic glory of the morning star-had looked
in through the rude window of the shed where Tom was lying; and, as if descend-
ing on that star-beam, came the solemn words, “I am the root and offspring of
David, and the bright and morning star.” The mysterious warnings and intima-
tions of Cassy, so far from discouraging his soul, in the end had roused it as with
a heavenly call. He did not know but that the day of his death was dawning in the
sky; and his heart throbbed with solemn throes of joy and desire, as he thought
that the wondrous all, of which he had often pondered,- the great white throne,
with its ever radiant rainbow; the white-robed multitude, with voices as many wa-
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