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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Parents and children there shall part!
Shall part to meet no more!"

And clear and loud swelled through the empty halls the refrain,

“O there’ll be mourning, mourning, mourning,
O there’ll be mourning, at the judgment-seat of Christ!"

Legree stopped. He would have been ashamed to tell of it, but large drops of
sweat stood on his forehead, his heart beat heavy and thick with fear; he even
thought he saw something white rising and glimmering in the gloom before him,
and shuddered to think what if the form of his dead mother should suddenly ap-
pear to him.

“I know one thing,” he said to himself, as he stumbled back in the sitting-
room, and sat down “I’ll let that fellow alone, after this! What did I want of his
cussed paper? I b’lieve I am bewitched, sure enough! I’ve been shivering and
sweating, ever since! Where did he get that hair? It couldn’t have been that! I
burnt that up, I know I did! It would be a joke if hair could rise from the dead!”

Ah, Legree! that golden tress was charmed; each hair had in it a spell of terror
and remorse for thee, and was used by a mightier power to bind thy cruel hands
from inflicting uttermost evil on the helpless!
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