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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
They came up to him, swearing dreadfully; and one man, whose face I shall
never forget, told him that he wouldn’t get away so; that he was going with him
into the calaboose, and he’s get a lesson there he’d never forget. I tried to beg and
plead,- they only laughed; the poor boy screamed and looked into my face, and
held on to me, until, in tearing him off, they tore the skirt of my dress half away;
and they carried him in, screaming ‘Mother! mother! mother!’ There was one
man stood there seemed to pity me. I offered him all the money I had, if he’d only
interfere. He shook his head, and said that the man said the boy had been impu-
dent and disobedient ever since he bought him; that he was going to break him in,
once for all. I turned and ran; and every step of the way, I thought that I heard him
scream. I got into the house; ran, all out of breath, to the parlor, where I found
Butler. I told him, and begged him to go and interfere. He only laughed, and told
me the boy had got his deserts. He’d got to be broken in,- the sooner the better;
‘what did I expect?’ he asked.

“It seemed to me something in my head snapped, at that moment. I felt dizzy
and furious. I remember seeing a great sharp bowie-knife on the table; I remem-
ber something about catching it, and flying upon him; and then all grew dark, and
I didn’t know any more-not for days and days.

“When I came to myself, I was in a nice room,- but not mine. An old black
woman tended me; and a doctor came to see me, and there was a great deal of
care taken of me. After a while, I found that he had gone away, and left me at this
house to be sold; and that’s why they took such pains with me.
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