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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
years, didn’t I study every look and motion, and only live and breathe to please
him? He had the yellow fever, and for twenty days and nights I watched with him.
I alone,- and gave him all his medicine, and did everything for him; and then he
called me his good angel, and said I’d saved his life. We had two beautiful chil-
dren. The first was a boy, and we called him Henry. He was the image of his fa-
ther,- he had such beautiful eyes, such a forehead, and his hair hung all in curls
around it; and he had all his father’s spirit, and his talent, too. Little Elise, he said,
looked like me. He used to tell me that I was the most beautiful woman in Louisi-
ana, he was so proud of me and the children.

He used to love to have me dress them up, and take them and me about in an
open carriage, and hear the remarks that people would make on us, and he used to
fill my ears constantly with the fine things that were said in praise of me and the
children. O, those were happy days! I thought I was as happy as any one could
be; but then there came evil times. He had a cousin come to New Orleans, who
was his particular friend,- he thought all the world of him;- but, from the first
time I saw him, I couldn’t tell why, I dreaded him; for I felt sure he was going to
bring misery on us. He got Henry to going out with him, and often he would not
come home nights till two or three o’clock. I did not dare say a word; for Henry
was so high-spirited, I was afraid to. He got him to the gaming-houses; and he
was one of the sort that, when he once got a-going there, there was no holding
back. And then he introduced him to another lady, and I saw soon that his heart
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