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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Well, Mas’r knows she sot herself up agin Mas’r, and wouldn’t have me,
when he telled her to.”

“I’d a flogged her into’t,” said Legree, spitting, “only there’s such a press o’
work, it don’t seem wuth a while to upset her jist now. She’s slender; but these
yer slender gals will bear half killin’ to get their own way!”

“Wal, Lucy was real aggravatin’ and lazy, sulkin’ round; wouldn’t do nothin’,-
and Tom he tuck up for her.”

“He did, eh! Wal, then, Tom shall have the pleasure of flogging her. It’ll be a
good practice for him, and he won’t put it on to the gal like you devils, neither.”

“Ho, ho! haw! haw! haw!” laughed both the sooty wretches; and the diaboli-
cal sounds seemed, in truth, a not unapt expression of the fiendish character
which Legree gave them.

“Wal, but, Mas’r, Tom and Misse Cassy, and dey among ‘em, filled Lucy’s
basket. I ruther guess der weight’s in it, Mas’r!”

“I do the weighing!” said Legree, emphatically.

Both the drivers again laughed their diabolical laugh.

“So!” he added, “Misse Cassy did her day’s work.”

“She picks like de debil and all his angels!”

“She’s got ‘em all in her, I believe!” said Legree; and growling a brutal oath,
he proceeded to the weighing-room.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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