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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
tion, about the sayings and doings at the house and on the place, which circulated
as freely as the same sort of small change does in higher circles.

After a while the singing commenced, to the evident delight of all present.
Not even all the disadvantage of nasal intonation could prevent the effect of the
naturally fine voices, in airs at once wild and spirited. The words were sometimes
the well-known and common hymns sung in the churches about, and sometimes
of a wilder, more indefinite, character, picked up at camp-meetings.

The chorus of one of them, which ran as follows, was sung with great energy
and unction:

“Die on the field of battle,
Die on the field of battle,
Glory in my soul."

Another special favorite had oft repeated the words-

“O, I’m going to glory,- won’t you come along with me?
Don’t you see the angels beck’ning, and a-calling me away?
Don’t you see the golden city and the everlasting day?"
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